I want to thank Liz for getting this set-up for our family! I feel so computer savvy now! I'm sorry pictures will not be accompanying this post but check back this evening and the camera will be home:) First, our Christmas was (and still is) white, white, white (sooo beautiful), second, our morning started at 4:30am with our impatient 6 year old boggled over the fact that we could want to sleep longer when it was so obvious that Santa had been there!!! The rest of the day was somewhat of a blurr (please refer back to the 4:30am wake-up call) we spent the evening with the Olsen's and ended our day singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. It is amazing how quickly, we have come to the end of yet another year...The following pictures are a flashback of year 2007.
Cowgirl Elizabeth (She LOVES hats!)
Another Olsen road trip - Autumn & Don kings of the mountains!
Ever a lover of animals, Autumn displays a tarantula she found onyet another Olsen road trip.We let it go shortly after this picture...ughh.

We really enjoyed the mountains this summer.
Here is Autumn and Grandpa Olsen on thier hike.
Autumn really wanted a Cowgirl Birthay this year,
SO at 6 year's old she ran off to join the gold rush,
although I don't think the average adventurer panned
for gold in a pink kiddie pool...